About Mosaic India

This website and its related group on Facebook are born out of the need to build a helpful resource on the art of mosaic-making. Even though mosaic as an art has long been practised in India for public spaces or as inlay work by skilled masons, it’s only in the very recent years that it’s been reaching individual studios. The practising artists are mostly self-taught or may have learned the basics in art workshops outside of India. They may have also been traditional stained glass artists. Some propagate it at its basic level among children or adults but most remain niche practitioners as sourcing its tools and supplies remains a challenge in India. The art of studio based mosaic-making, as a result, has low visibility in India.

As the joy of making mosaics was experienced by one of its practitioners, Jyoti Bhargava, she decided to share her ongoing learning initially through her personal blog and later through a group on Facebook that she started in November 2015. This website aims to provide a dedicated space for sharing knowledge on mosaic-making. It has started with posts earlier published on Jyoti’s personal blog but as more mosaic artists learn about the site and want to help build it as a resource, they would be welcome to contribute any thoughts, ideas or leads that they wish to share with the new mosaic learner out there.

Please make use of the leads and information being shared on the site, leave your comments on posts that you find useful, share links to your own blogs or galleries if you are a practising mosaic-artist in India in comments, and come forward and share your knowledge through your existing or new posts. Any blog posts that anyone wishes to publish here can be emailed to mail at jyotibhargava dot com.

Let the process of making mosaics give you the joy that it’s capable of.